Find Emails

Get verified business emails with the Email Finder

Updated over a week ago

Note: This feature is an add-on. If you're interested, please contact your Customer Success Manager to hear more.

The email finder helps you find business email addresses. To use the email finder feature, ensure that the column "Email" is switched on in the People search. If you are in doubt, click on "Edit columns" to check your active columns:

Starting the process

There are two ways to verify emails; individually or in bulk.

1. Find emails individually

Click on the button in the column to get started. When the process is done, you will see the result immediately in the column and the quickview of the contact.

2. Find emails in bulk

Select up to 500 people in your search results, and click on the "Find emails" button that shows up in the selection menu to start the process of finding all selected emails. This might take a while, depending on the number of people you selected.

When the results are ready, you will receive a notification with a link to see all people you have selected.

Verified emails only

When you're done with verifying emails, we recommend using the "Verified" filter to find and export the emails with little to no change of bouncing according to the ZeroBounce guarantee.


Reveal email

You have not yet clicked on finding the email address for this person.

Verified email found

This email has been successfully verified through our ZeroBounce integration.

Catch-all email found

Catch-all emails allow a domain to receive emails sent to any address under that domain, regardless of whether those specific addresses exist or not. Sending emails to this domain shouldn't cause a big risk to your reputation, but it's up to you!

Guessed email found

Guessed emails have been deduced or estimated based on patterns, common naming conventions, or publicly available information.

No email address found

If no verified, catch-all, or guessed email address was found, we will show the message below.

About the email finder

What does the email finder do?

The email finder attempts to find a working email address for each contact on the spot to ensure up-to-date and accurate data. It is directly integrated with ZeroBounce - so when it is shown as "Verified", it means that ZeroBounce was able to successfully verify this contact's email address.

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