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Find Companies First, Then Contacts
Find Companies First, Then Contacts

Once you found a great list of companies on, how do you find the contacts within?

Updated over a week ago

You're in the company search, you've curated a pretty interesting list that you want to find the contacts for - how do you go about it? There are three aproaches:

Find contacts in:

1. One company 1️⃣

If you're interested in finding contacts inside one particular company, click on the number in the "People" column.

You can also find all employees by clicking on the company in the search results, going to the contacts tab in the quickview, then clicking on "Show all".

2. A selection of companies 🔢

When in search, select the companies you want to find the contacts for, and click on "Find people". This will send you straight to a Contacts search for the selected companies.

3. All companies in the results list ♾️

You can find contacts for all companies in the list with the second method by selecting all companies at once. But to speed this up, you can also simply click on the "Contacts" tab at the top of your search.

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