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Find Contacts in Known Companies
Find Contacts in Known Companies

Input companies that you already know to find contacts within them

Updated over a week ago

Let's say you already have a list of companies ready. Now, you want to find the right contacts belonging to these companies. How do you go about that?

You have the option to find contacts within companies you know already by using the "Companies filter". You can find this filter in the "Contacts search", inside the "Company information" tab.

There are two ways to go about it:

1. One by one

With the "Include any of" option, you can fill out a company domain/name to get started. Click on the suggested result, or hit enter to apply the filter.

Repeat this for any additional company you wish to find the contacts from.

2. Copy and paste a batch

Under the "Show advanced" fold, a large text input field will show up. Note that in this section, only domains are accepted as input, not company names.

Start by copying the domains you wish to look for in your editing software of choice. In the example below, I copy a list of domains from Google Sheets.

Go back to and simply paste your list in the filter field. In the example below, the paste function makes the domain appear on separate lines. Comma-separated input is accepted as well.

Hit "Apply" and voilá, your contacts are ready to be explored.

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