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Title and Seniority Filter
Title and Seniority Filter

Find people with particular job titles or seniority levels

Updated over a week ago

Note: People data is an add-on feature. If you're interested, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

Use the job title and seniority filter to narrow down your people search and target exactly who you are looking for. Read more tips on how to use the filter to your advantage in this article.

Job titles

Fill out job titles one by one, or paste a list of job titles in the filter separated by commas and hit 'Enter' to get started.

The job title search is a contextual search. In other words, it uses AI to find titles that are similar to the one(s) you entered.

Why is that helpful?

1. Translations are not an issue: Try Mitgründer, a German word, and see how you will find co-founders too.

2. Variations are taken into account: VP of Marketing will also yield results with VP Marketing and VP Sales and Marketing

3. Context is factored in: Head of People could also bring up Head of HR and Culture.

Note that the field is not capital sensitive.

💡 Tip 1: If you want to search for very specific titles, put the entire title in quotation marks. An example is "Full-stack developer".

💡 Tip 2: See some results that aren't relevant? Add the specific titles in the "Exclude" section. It will eliminate all titles that are exact matches to your input.


There are 9 different seniority levels to be filtered by. As our job title search might allow for different seniority levels that are close to your input, this filter is helpful to narrow down where need be.

The 9 seniority levels are:

  • Founder

  • Board member

  • C-level

  • Partner

  • VP

  • Head

  • Director

  • Manager

  • Other

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