Brands Filter
Updated over a week ago

Note: This filter is not available for everyone. If you're interested, contact your Customer Success Manager to get access.

This filter will allow you to find companies that mention particular brand names on their website OR to filter out companies that mention particular brand names on their website. Fill out the brand(s) one by one (you can include spaces in the brand name), and submit them by hitting 'Enter'. The brand search is not case-sensitive.

Include/exclude filters

Include all of

If you add multiple brand names in the filter, we will find websites that mention all of the entered brands. For instance, if you fill out Mercedes and BMW, we will only find websites that mention both Mercedes and BMW.

Include any of

If you add multiple brand names in the filter, we will find websites that mention any of the entered brands. For instance, if you fill out Mercedes and BMW, we will find websites that either mention Mercedes or BMW or both.


If you add one or more brand names in the filter, we will exclude websites that mention any of the entered brands. For instance, if you fill out Mercedes and BMW, we will remove websites from the search list that mention either of these brands.


Example 1: Car dealerships

For example, if you're looking for car dealerships with Mercedes cars, you could add the word Mercedes to the 'Include all of' Brands filter.

If you want to be even more specific and find car dealerships specialized only in Mercedes, you could add brands such as BMW or 'Volkswagen to the 'Exclude' filter. That would narrow down your results.

Example 2: Tech integrations

You could also use the Brands filter to find companies that integrate with your competitor. Most likely, these companies would mention these brand names on their Integration Partners section of their website, and would pick that up! Fill out tech brand names such as Zapier, SurveyMonkey, MailChimp, and so forth, to find these companies.

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