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Introduction to Customer Verticals
Introduction to Customer Verticals
Updated over a week ago

Note: Customer Verticals are an add-on and might require an upgrade in your contract to gain access. Contact your Customer Success Manager if you're interested.

Finding new prospects is one thing, but focusing on the prospects that could give you the best chance to succeed brings your strategy to the next level. Through AI, the Customer Verticals analyze and segment your CRM data and presents you with a full comparison overview of the customers you're going after. Take the guesswork out of your outreach strategy with the Customer Verticals.

What do I need to prepare to get started?

Ensure you have connected your CRM system. If you haven't yet, follow the guides for Salesforce, HubSpot or Pipedrive to get started.

Starting the analysis of your CRM system

Contact your Customer Success Manager, who will help you get set up. They will walk through a list of demands with you to customize the Customer Verticals for your needs. The AI needs to be informed on the desired pipelines you wish to analyze, special requests in terms of deal lost considerations, and more.

Once that's set, the fun begins ✨

The value

The Customer Verticals creates an overview of your customers and prospects, divides them into groups and provides data related to each group (or "segment") that will help you make decisions in your strategy going forward.

Here's an example screenshot of one small portion of the Customer Verticals (fake data):

The Customer Verticals can be used for:

  • Validating your GTM strategy

  • Finding new leads based on your best-performing customers

  • Aligning sales- and marketing outreach

  • Finding great potential in untapped segments

Piqued your interest? Contact your Customer Success Manager to get a full demo.

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